Saving Activity State in Android

We are using Intent(), when we want start other activity. Also we send data with start activities. We want use transition between more than 2 activities, such as FirstActivity, SecondActivity,...

Create Right Navigation Drawer

Android Left Navigation Drawer useful for navigate between activities, fragments or others. But Right Navigation Drawer useful for may be Notifications. Many Application using right navigation drawer for notification, such...

CityNom v1.0

CityNom v1.0 has been released onto Android Market. The release has added a few small features into the application: CityNom offers you a unique interactive and local platform providing you...

Create Custom Material Toolbar

Android Material Design is the most powerful design i have seen. And we can create custom material actinbar with toolbar. First of all, we must create tool_bar.xml in layout folder....

Hello World

This blog is maybe my 38548641. blog :). Because I didn’t have time for blogging and currently working full-time. I hope you find the content of this blog very useful...