Quiz App v1.0

Quiz App v1.0 has been released onto Android Market. Download

Changing locale and reload resources

When the language is switched, You would like all the textviews etc to change language immediately public void setLocale(String lang) { Locale locale= new Locale(lang); Locale.setDefault(locale); Configuration config = new...

CityNom 1.0 Update

Hey everyone, I update CityNom for the version 1.0 released a couple of days ago. Update Material Design. Fix for Database corruption issue and small performance increase too. Notification refresh...

IOS Swipe Down to Refresh TableView

A lot of iOS apps using swipe down to refresh for new datas, updates vs. Whenever user swipes down from top, a loader will be shown and will disappear once...

ListView Header Scroll Problem in Android

When i scroll on header with listview. Listview scroll header background. But i want scroll with header. We add header view for listviews header for scrolling. activity_post_detail.xml <LinearLayout> <LinearLayout> <!--Header-->...